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6/11/2018 For your inspiration, we bring you a brief overview of some of our most interesting customer references.

UniPi programmable logic controllers found their way to many countries and fields of automation across the world thanks to their flexibility, software openness and a high reliability. You could find our controllers not only in industrial or smart home applications but also in some less ordinary installations. For your inspiration, we bring you a brief overview of some of our most interesting customer references.

Czech Republic: Smart warehouse heating system

The Czech-based Schulte INFRA company specialises in the sale, installation and maintenance of radiant heating technologies designed for warehouses, factory halls and other industrial objects. The company recently utilized the UniPi Axon M205 controller to control a smart heating system in a warehouse owned by the DHL delivery company. The original heating control system was deemed impractical due to the need to control each gas radiant heater individually.

Schulte INFRA representatives thus contacted the development team of UniPi.technology, which then designed a central heating control system powered by a single controller, utilizing a network of both indoor and outdoor temperature sensors to read temperature values in each heating zone. Several radiants can be placed in a single zone according to current heating requirements. Gas radiants are controlled by an on/off switching with hysteresis; based on a heating schedule and programmed temperature values, the controller then automatically regulates the indoor temperature by switching the radiants.

More info about the smart warehouse heating

Ireland: Smart vacuum distribution control in a CNC factory

A customer from Ireland utilized UniPi Neuron controllers for control of central vacuum distribution manifold in a CNC factory. Vacuum is used for holding machined parts on worktables and the demand for it dynamically changes depending on the currently undergoing work. Given the high energy consumption of vacuum pumps, a balance between performance needed and energy saving must be maintained in order to prevent energy losses.

Neuron controllers maintain such balance by using data from sensors installed in different places of the main vacuum distribution manifold to regulate the vacuum pump power output. By reducing energy losses and optimizing the supply of vacuum through the use of Neuron PLCs, the company reported savings up to €600 per month.

More info about the intelligent vacuum distribution control

United States: Automation of fire stations

The Bryx company from the United States is developing software solutions for first responders such as paramedics or firefighters. Recently, the company started to install OEM variant of the UniPi Axon S205 controller into fire station automation systems. In such systems the controller is used to monitor the state of truck bay doors and open them remotely in case of an emergency call, thus saving a few precious seconds during the fire unit departure.

Aside from this application the company also plans to use Axons to monitor phone buttons (ie. when an emergency call is answered) and store the log into cloud database, or to remotely control solenoid valves for regulating the flow of water or gas through a web interface or a smartphone.

More info about the fire station automation

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