Looking back after the AMPER 2018 trade fair

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27/3/18 - From 20th to 23rd March 2018, the AMPER international technology trade fair took place in the Brno Exhibition Centre (Czech Republic). The UniPi.technology team attended the event and now brings you a brief summary of the whole week. 

This year marked a second-time UniPi.technology attended the AMPER trade fair and, as the last year, the main theme of our booth was the introduction of our new products. Last year, we introduced our Neuron PLC product line and this year, we followed suit with an official introduction of the Axon product line. For further info about the Axon, you can visit our Introduction to Axon product line.. Axons will be soon available on our e-shop, so stay tuned! The Axon was introduced to a press conference, which took place on Tuesday 20th March and was attended by representatives of several Czech automation media titles. 

We are glad that our booth n. 1.50, placed in the Hall P of the exhibition, was frequently visited in the remainder of the fair as well. Aside from regular visitors, representatives of over 100 companies, both Czech and foreign, also took interest in our products. We would thus like to thank all visitors for their interest in our products and our company and we hope to see you at the next AMPER or other events! 

Photos from AMPER 2018
