Heating automation and temperature regulation

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What do I need

How do I do it

+ comfort
+ automatic heating of the whole building
+ possibility of heating regulation for each room individually
+ heating in operation only when needed
+ overall overview about the temperature in different parts of the building
+ heating expense savings thanks to monitoring and correct settings of the system
+ controller with enough inputs and outputs,
+ digital thermometers,
digital radiator valves,
+ external relay (if needed)
+ power supply
+ SD card
+ software

+ boiler can be turned on/off with external / integrated relay
+ digital output (relay or transistor) open or closes connected radiator valve
+ place thermometers where you need to measure temperature
+ the system is controlled via software, where you can set rules or manually control it
+ for consumption masurement it is possible to connect meters into didital inputs or smart meters communicating via Modbus

Example: if the temperature in room drops below  21°C, turn on the radiator = switch the relay 4